Legendary Leads Power Dialer Demo

Adding Leads to the Power Dialer:

To add leads to the power dialer, simply add the 'power dialer' tag to a contact or bacth of contacts. This will add them to the calling queue (aka Power Dialer) found in 'Conversations' -> 'Manual Actions'. Once you've added this tag they will also be added to the 'Power Dialer' pipeline found in the 'Opportunities' tab.

Removing Leads from the Power Dialer:

To remove leads from the power dialer, simply remove the 'power dialer' tag. This can be done at the individual contact level or in bulk from the 'Contacts' tab. This will remove them from the calling queue and remove them from the Power Dialer pipeline. You can also manually remove leads from the queue by deleting them individually or deleting them from the Add to Power Dialer workflow. This won't remove them from the Power Dialer pipeline by default.

Power Dialer Pipeline

Call Dispostioning:

There are four call dispositions available at the end of a call. Below are the details for each:

No Answer Dispostion

Call Disposition - No Answer

No Answer Dispostion:

This option moves leads to the 'No Answer' pipeline stage in the Power Dialer Pipeline.

No Answer

Busy Dispostion (Deal Lost)

Call Disposition - Busy

Busy Dispostion:

This option moves leads to the 'Deal Lost' pipeline stage in the Power Dialer Pipeline.

Deal Lost

Voicemail Dispostion

Call Disposition - Voicemail

Voicemail Dispostion:

This option moves leads to the 'Voicemail Left' pipeline stage in the Power Dialer Pipeline.

Voicemail Left

Completed Dispostion

Call Disposition - Completed

No Answer Dispostion:

This option moves leads to the 'Answered' pipeline stage in the Power Dialer Pipeline.



Workflows contain the processes used in Legendary Leads to automate tasks. You need at least one trigger and one action to create a workflow. Workflows are found in the 'Automation' tab. Below are the default workflows for the Power Dialer, found in the Power Dialer folder. You can add additional workflows to accomplish other tasks with the power dialer (like sending an SMS or voicemail drop based on a Call Disposition for example) or edit the ones below to your liking.

1. Add to Manual Call (Power Dialer) List:

Trigger: 'Power Dialer' Tag Added


1. Add to Power Dialer Pipeline Lead In Stage.

2. Add to Power Dialer (Manual Actions).

1. Remove from Manual Call (Power Dialer) List:

Trigger: 'Power Dialer' Tag Removed


1. Remove from Power Dialer Workflow.

2. Remove from Power Dialer Pipeline.

Call Disposition - Answered:

Trigger: Call Status: Completed


1. Add to Power Dialer Pipeline 'Answered' Stage.

Call Disposition - Busy (Deal Lost):

Trigger: Call Status: Busy


1. Add to Power Dialer Pipeline Deal Lost Stage.

Call Disposition - No Answer:

Trigger: Call Status: No Answer


1. Add to Power Dialer Pipeline 'No Answer' Stage.

Call Disposition - Voicemail Left:

Trigger: Call Status: Voicemail


1. Add to Power Dialer Pipeline 'Voicemail Left' Stage.


If you are missing workflows, or need support for your power dialer, email or fill out a support ticket by clicking here!