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Legendary Lead's Phone Costs & Carrier Fees

NOTE: You get direct Twilio pricing by using Legendary Leads. We DO NOT upcharge fees like many competitors in the space.

What are the phone costs associated with Legendary Leads (Twilio Direct)?

- Making Calls: $0.014/minute

- Receiving Calls: $0.0085/minute

- Text Messages: $0.0079/sms segment (please see this LINK for an SMS segment calculator)

- Picture Messages: $ 0.0200/sms

For most up-to-date pricing, visit Twilio's pricing page here.

Carrier Fees

For every SMS sent, there is a corresponding carrier fee that is passed from the carrier. The cost is determined on a carrier-by-carrier basis. For example, if you are sending to a customer who has AT&T as their carrier, it will be different than if they have T-Mobile, etc. Here are the carrier fees you can generally expect per SMS:

- AT&T: $0.01/sms segment sent

- Verizon: $0.01/sms segment sent

- T- Mobile: $0.02/sms segment sent and received

- US Cellular: $0.02/sms segment sent

- All other carriers: $0.02/sms sent

If You Are Someone Who Either:

a) Will periodically send more than 3,000 texts in one day, or...

b) Has more than 5 phone numbers in your Legendary Leads Account

You must "Register" your account as a "Standard Registration." If you don't do this and you fall under one of those two categories, then your text messages will eventually start to fail if you do not register. There is a one-time fee (charged by Twilio) in order to do a Standard Registration. Please click the button below to learn how to register your account.