1. Create a Primary Business Profile in your Parent Account in the Console's Trust Hub and submit for review.
In your Twilio Console, navigate to Trust Hub --> Customer Profiles to create your profile.
You will only need to do this one time. It may take 3-4 days to process!

2. Add Your Phone Number(s) to your Primary Business Profile.
This is required before you can add a phone number to your SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product.
You'll need your Business Profile's SID, To find your Business Profile SID in the Twilio Console, navigate to Trust Hub -> Customer Profiles --> View Profile Details. Business Profile SIDs begin with "BU".
You'll also need your Phone Number SID(s). To find your Phone Number SIDs in the Console, go to your Dashboard. In the Project Info section, click on See all phone numbers, then click on a phone number to find the SID.

Effective July 5, 2023, all SMS and MMS messages sent to U.S. phone numbers using 10DLC phone numbers must be sent via a registered application-to-person (A2P) Campaign. Messages sent using unregistered phone numbers will be subject to a gradual increase of message blocking by Twilio, beginning on July 5, 2023, ultimately leading to a full Twilio Network block of all unregistered U.S.-bound messages sent after August 31, 2023. Twilio messaging rates will still apply, even for blocked messages.
All new Twilio A2P Campaigns registrations are now being charged a one-time $15 Campaign verification fee at the time of registration. Learn more
All existing Sole Proprietor (Starter) Campaigns are now incurring $2 monthly fees. We recommend that you delete any unused Sole Proprietor (Starter) Campaigns. Learn more
Customers, sending fewer than 3,000 message segments per day to U.S. destinations, are now required to complete A2P registration for each of their phone numbers. Messages sent with unregistered phone numbers are now incurring additional per-message carrier fees, and may be subject to filtering or blocking.
3. Register Your Brand.
Reduce SMS filtering by registering for an A2P Brand:
An A2P Brand represents a business, non-profit or government entity in US Application-to-Person (A2P) ecosystem. With a registered brand, you can create A2P Campaigns, which reflect your A2P Messaging use case with Twilio.
4. Create new A2P Campaign
A Campaign represents your messaging use case with Twilio, for example, sending account notifications or conducting marketing. Every campaign is connected to a registered A2P Brand and a Messaging Service. Once successfully registered, you will be able to associate your 10DLC numbers with the connected Messaging Service to avail A2P Messaging benefits and avoid any carrier penalties for unregistered messaging.
NOTE: Click to view these common reasons for campaign rejection from Twilio. Ensure you are registering your campaign correctly to avoid delays.
5. Register Phone Numbers
Next, select which phone numbers you want to connect to this Connected Messaging Service for this campaign. You can select multiple phone numbers under one campaign if the use case will be similar.
Once vetted and approved, any phone number within the connected Messaging Service will be identified as A2P 10DLC with the associated campaign use case, and you should see lower message filtering.
Using Legendary leads with twilio
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