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June 26, 2021
We've added a help desk and support chat on the website and inside the app to better assist users.
Help Desk
We've created a help desk with common issues and video walkthroughs for helping our users get up to speed fast and helping our support get users the information they need when they need it! You can check out the help desk inside the app and submit a ticket if you need help.
Got questions? Send us an email at success@trijohnson.com or follow us on Instagram @legendaryleads
Click here to go to the Legendary Leads Signup Page!
June 20, 2021
We've created the public user portal so users can log into the app at app.legendaryleads.co.
Beta Release
We've received the first build from our dev team and are working on bug fixes for the open beta release. The initial release will focus on improving our user experience! Other features will be implemented after our initial beta release.
Got questions? Send us an email at success@trijohnson.com or follow us on Instagram @legendaryleads
Click here to go to the Legendary Leads Signup Page!
The Legendary Leads Changelog
Hi all! 👋
Welcome to the Legendary Leads changelog! Stay up to date with all the new updates, improvements and fixes that are made in our Legendary Leads Software.
Even though we work on the software all the time, sometimes it may seem that not much is happening. This changelog is here to improve that very important part of the communication between you and us.
You'll always receive an update when we change something in the app and a list of all updates will be pushed here on our public changelog page.